Dreaming of Doodles
Remember being in school and doodling? You know, doodling pictures or designs along the edges of your paper when you were supposed to be taking notes? Or, as an adult, being on hold for a long time with an insurance company and doodling in the corners of the bill you’re trying to deal with? I definitely am a doodler.
We choose our puppy from a litter of eight in the fall of 2008. At the time our kids were four and six years old and we decided to name our puppy before giving her to the family. We did that because we were afraid if we let them choose a name we would end up with a Fluffy (even if she wasn’t particularly fluffy) or a Fire-Rocket (as that was what our son was currently interested in). Our past pet name choices were not exactly stellar, I once named a cat “Number Three” because, you guessed it, he was kitten number three in our household. Anyway, clearly this name choosing thing was on my mind because I had a dream about it. I dreamt that I was walking through rooms looking at things written on paper, none of which were decipherable, in fact, they were kinda doodle scribbles, but in one room a name was written on the wall “DoodleBug Dale”. The doodle part makes sense (she’s a Golden Doodle), Dale is the name of my BFF, and Bug...well I’m not sure where that came from, but that is her name. DoodleBug Dale. We call her Bug and we love her.
A few years later the dream of DoodleSuit became a reality as we entered our first production run! We continue to make plans for the future including suits for larger dogs, for smaller dogs and for much smaller dogs. We’re also researching fabrics to repel ticks for dogs living in the east coast and fabric to prevent thistles and other weeds from embedding in your dogs fur for dogs in dry warmer areas.