Double the Doodles
I wanted another dog for our family, which is kinda crazy considering we live in a 1500 square foot home with my husband and I, my mother-in-law, our two teenage kids, a medium size dog, two cats and occasionally other creatures (fish, birds, a snake, ferrets, gerbils) and often have other family or friends hanging out in our kitchen and /or living room! I contacted the local breeder where we found Bug and at the same time began looking through various rescues; we knew we wanted another doodle, but it didn’t have to be a golden doodle. Long story shorter, we found our new family member.
He came with the name Nibs, we’re not entirely sure of the origin, either a mock title used to refer to a self-important man, or the bits bits of cacao which are chocolate in its purest form … either way the name did not fit him. We quite liked the name Sam (like the Looney Tunes Sam Sheepdog) but some very good friends of ours were expecting their second child and planned to name him Sam, so we ‘let’ them have the name because we didn’t want our dog going crazy as neighborhood kids were yelling for Sam (the kid)! Somehow we came up with Zeke-a-Doodle, aka Zekester, Zekers, Zekester … we call him Zeke and we love him.
He is goofy as all get-out. He was about six months old when he joined our family. He has since flourished into an awkward teenager as he races down the stairs so fast that we’re unsure how he mostly stays upright with his legs going every which way. As any dog with sheepdog genes in him, he much prefers to be with his people … at every single moment … of every day … all the time … he simply wants to be with you, right next to you … preferably so close that he’s touching you. And he LOVES his big sister Bug, she was nine years old when Zeke joined the family and they definitely have fun together, they have a nightly routine of playing tug-o-war. And together they love to be outside and especially love the snow, while Bug happily goes down the trail, he runs circles around her always coming back to ‘his people'.